Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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What We're Reading | Week of January 23, 2023

Person wearing a hat reading

Timely reads from the MCC team about talking to children about gun violence, how college admission could change in 2023, and how to use empathy as a tool for inclusion.

Los Angeles Times | How to talk with children about gun violence

The LA Times’ Laura Newberry and Jaclyn Cosgrove spoke with experts, including MCC’s Rick Weissbourd, to compile guidance for talking to children about gun violence.

Inside Higher Ed | Character and Admission

If the United States Supreme Court does ban race-conscious college admissions as is widely expected, then what can admission offices consider? This Inside Higher Ed piece from Tom Bear and the late David Holmes highlights efforts to refocus admission on ethical character, including MCC’s work with the Common Application.

Higher Ed Dive | 6 college admissions experts share their biggest predictions for 2023

In 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn race-conscious college admissions and ChatGPT could upend the way admissions essays are written. Higher Ed Dive checked in with six experts about what else could change in college admission this year.

Psychology Today | Bullying as Empathy Gone Wrong

Our brains are wired to feel greater empathy for those who are similar to us or those who share our experiences, writes Jennifer Fraser in Psychology Today. But there is plenty that organizations and individuals can—and should—do to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion.


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