Join Making Caring Common’s new Character Review in Admissions workshop series to discover how character review can help you build a stronger, more diverse student body that contributes to a thriving campus.
Read MoreHow can college admission leaders assess character more effectively? Our guide — consisting of more than a dozen individual resources — provides valuable guideposts, tools, and fresh ideas for your admission team.
Read MoreThis document includes action steps that colleges can take right away in character assessment.
This document is intended to serve as a starting point for those admission leaders who are deciding where to begin. Information is offered on how colleges might send signals to students about their values, study attributes and skills of successful and unsuccessful students, build support with university leadership, and more.
Read MoreThis document offers concrete tips and basic principles for colleges interested in this work. Each tip offers initial guidance and includes links to related guide resources.
Read MoreThis compendium of select character-related skills/attributes is intended as a starting place for colleges interested in establishing their own definitions of key terms.
Read MoreThis “how-to” document includes information about the benefits of conducting Thrivers research and concrete tips for colleges considering this work.
Read MoreThis document is designed as an “audit” to help admission leaders determine their readiness for next steps in character assessment work.
Read MoreThis document offers examples of colleges that have clearly presented their institutional values on their website and/or have thoughtfully articulated the specific skills and attributes that they seek in applicants.
Read MoreThis document offers a (de-identified) collection of character assessment-related tools including term/skill definitions, rubrics, and prompts.
Read MoreThis document is a collection of real colleges’ current character-focused essay questions found in applications. This is designed to inspire new ideas.
Read MoreThis document offers a collection of real college and application platforms’ language around the importance of applicants’ family contributions/the value of family-based service.
Read MoreThis document offers early, exploratory ideas on how recommendation forms might be revised to be more equitable to students and more useful to colleges.
Read MoreThis document suggests innovative and concrete character assessment ideas, tools, and systems that have strong promise in college admissions work.
Read MoreMaking Caring Common’s voter mobilization series helps young people aged 18-25 effectively mobilize their peers to vote and provides them with civic knowledge and organizing skills that will be useful throughout their lives.
Read MoreThis statement was developed in collaboration with admissions leaders and has been endorsed by leaders at more than 350 institutions across the United States. It describes what college admissions offices value and expect—and don't expect—from students during the pandemic.
Read MoreWe invite college admissions leaders to join their colleagues across the United States in signing the Deans Commitment Letter (2019). The Deans Commitment Letter is a pioneering statement endorsed by more than 140 college admissions deans, which seeks to clear up misconceptions about what admissions offices value in applicants and affirms the value of high school educators, parents, and students shaping curricular and related decisions at the high school level.
Read MoreWe invite college admissions leaders to join over 200 colleagues across the United States who have endorsed Turning the Tide. Turning the Tide focuses on the following goals in admissions: Developing greater concern for others and the common good among high school students; Increasing equity and access for disadvantaged students; and Reducing excessive achievement pressure. Please note that endorsement indicates that you agree in general with the ideas and recommendations, not that you necessarily agree with and will seek to implement every specific idea and recommendation.
Read MoreMaking Caring Common and colleges and universities across the country are working together to develop and pilot new character assessment tools and practices in college admission.
Read MoreJoin college admissions officers in reshaping the college admissions process to value ethical and intellectual engagement.
College admissions plays a powerful role in shaping student attitudes and behaviors. More than 175 college admissions offices, including all the Ivy League colleges, are making changes aligned with our Turning the Tide goals of:
Developing greater concern for others and the common good among high school students;
Increasing equity and access for economically disadvantaged students; and
Reducing excessive achievement pressure.
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