Character Assessment in College Admissions

Making Caring Common and colleges and universities across the country are working together to develop and pilot new character assessment tools and practices in college admission.
The goals of this work are to:
Develop and pilot new assessment tools and processes to better understand a student’s character
Identify tools and best practices that can be replicated across the field
Send young people positive messages about what matters to college and society through new character-focused assessment systems
We are eager to continue to work with college admission leaders who:
Are committed to placing value on students’ character in the college admissions process
Want to collaborate on piloting new tools and processes with our team
Our new guide for character assessment in college admission provides concrete tools and practical guidance for colleges doing this work. The guide includes best practices; definitions and examples of key character skills and terms; and many examples of colleges’ application questions, related marketing language, and assessment tools.
We have also published recommendations for character assessment in high schools and tips for writing character-focused letters of recommendation.
This work was funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation. College admission leaders interested in learning more should contact Trisha Ross Anderson at
Related Resources
Trisha Ross Anderson
Join Making Caring Common’s new Character Review in Admissions workshop series to discover how character review can help you build a stronger, more diverse student body that contributes to a thriving campus.
How can college admission leaders assess character more effectively? Our guide — consisting of more than a dozen individual resources — provides valuable guideposts, tools, and fresh ideas for your admission team.
This document includes action steps that colleges can take right away in character assessment.
This document is intended to serve as a starting point for those admission leaders who are deciding where to begin. Information is offered on how colleges might send signals to students about their values, study attributes and skills of successful and unsuccessful students, build support with university leadership, and more.
This document offers concrete tips and basic principles for colleges interested in this work. Each tip offers initial guidance and includes links to related guide resources.
This compendium of select character-related skills/attributes is intended as a starting place for colleges interested in establishing their own definitions of key terms.
This “how-to” document includes information about the benefits of conducting Thrivers research and concrete tips for colleges considering this work.
This document is designed as an “audit” to help admission leaders determine their readiness for next steps in character assessment work.
This document offers examples of colleges that have clearly presented their institutional values on their website and/or have thoughtfully articulated the specific skills and attributes that they seek in applicants.
This document offers a (de-identified) collection of character assessment-related tools including term/skill definitions, rubrics, and prompts.
This document is a collection of real colleges’ current character-focused essay questions found in applications. This is designed to inspire new ideas.