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Resources For Colleges

Endorse the Turning the Tide Goals

We invite college admissions leaders to join over 200 colleagues across the United States who have endorsed Turning the Tide.

Turning the Tide focuses on the following goals in admissions: 

  1. Developing greater concern for others and the common good among high school students;

  2. Increasing equity and access for disadvantaged students; and

  3. Reducing excessive achievement pressure.

Please note that endorsement indicates that you agree in general with the ideas and recommendations, not that you necessarily agree with and will seek to implement every specific idea and recommendation. 

Endorsers and supporters include:


  1. Tamara Long, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Abilene Christian University

  2. Kristen E. Capezza, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Adelphi University

  3. Cornell B. LeSane, II, Vice President for Enrollment & Dean of Admissions, Allegheny College

  4. Courtney Minden, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Marketing, Babson College

  5. Robert Mirabile, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Beloit College

  6. Tony Cabasco, Vice President for Enrollment, Bennington College

  7. Sara H. Newhouse, Vice President for Admission & Financial Planning, Birmingham-Southern College

  8. John Mahoney, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, Boston College

  9. Kelly Walter, Associate Vice President for Enrollment & Dean of Admissions, Boston University

  10. Whitney Soule, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Bowdoin College

  11. Logan Powell, Dean, Brown University

  12. Michelle L. Cloutier, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Bryant University

  13. William Conley, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Bucknell University

  14. Paul Thiboutot, VP and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Carleton College

  15. Mary Alice Ozechoski, Vice President of Student Affairs & Traditional Enrollment, Cedar Crest College

  16. Rob Lange, Dean of Admission, Christopher Newport University

  17. Dr. Meredith Twombly, Vice President for Admissions and Financial Aid, Clark University

  18. Matthew Proto, Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Colby College

  19. Gary L. Ross, Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, Colgate University

  20. Heather Albert-Knopp, Dean of Admission, College of the Atlantic

  21. Ann Bowe McDermott, Director of Admissions, College of the Holy Cross

  22. Tim Wolfe, Associate Provost for Enrollment and Dean of Admission, College of William and Mary

  23. Scott Friedhoff, Vice President for Enrollment and College Relations, College of Wooster

  24. Mark J. Hatch, Vice President for Enrollment, Colorado College

  25. Jessica Marinaccio, Director, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Columbia University

  26. Andrew K. Strickler, Dean of Admission & Financial Aid, Connecticut College

  27. Jason C. Locke, Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment, Cornell University

  28. Sarah Richardson, Director of Admissions and Scholarships, Creighton University

  29. Iris P. Godes, Associate Vice President of Enrollment and Dean of Admissions, Dean College

  30. Michael S. Hills, Director of Varsity D Association, Denison University

  31. Gregory Sneed, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Denison University

  32. Robert Andrews, Vice President for Enrollment Management, DePauw University

  33. Anne E. Kremer, Dean of Admission, Drake University

  34. Robert Massa, Senior Vice President for Enrollment and Institutional Planning, Drew University

  35. Evelyn Thimba, VP and Dean of Admissions,, Drexel University

  36. Jonathan M. Stroud, Vice President for Enrollment & Communications, Earlham College

  37. Xavier E. Romano, Vice President of Student Services, Eastern Oregon University

  38. Kenton Sparks, Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment, Eastern University

  39. John Sullivan, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Eckerd College

  40. John F. Latting, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Enrollment, Dean of Admission, Emory University

  41. Alison Hildenbrand, Director of Admission, Fairfield University

  42. Hege K. Ferguson, Director of Admissions, Florida State University

  43. Patricia Peek, Dean of Undergraduate Admission, Fordham University

  44. John Chenier, Assistant Dean of Admissions, Framingham State University

  45. Kathryn Coffman, Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Franklin College

  46. Rick Clark, Director of Undergraduate Admission, Georgia Institute of Technology

  47. Gail Sweezey, Director of Admissions, Gettysburg College

  48. Julie McCulloh, Dean of Admission, Gonzaga University

  49. Arlene Wesley Cash, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Guilford College

  50. Monica C. Inzer, Dean of Enrollment and Retention, Hamilton College

  51. Dr. William Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid, Harvard University

  52. Jess Lord, Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, Haverford College

  53. Bob Gielow, Senior Director of Institutional Research and Financial Aid, Hebrew College

  54. D. Andrew Bills, Senior Vice President for Enrollment, High Point University

  55. William Vanderbilt, Vice President for Admissions, Hope College

  56. Anthony Jones, Assistant Vice-President of Enrollment Management, Howard University

  57. John F. Champoli, Director of Admissions, Husson University

  58. Steve Herendeen, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Indiana Institute of Technology

  59. Boyd A. Bradshaw, Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

  60. Gerard Turbide, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Ithaca College

  61. Robert C. Troy, Vice President for Enrollment Management, John Jay College of Criminal Justice

  62. David M. Phillips, Vice Provost for Admissions and Financial Aid, Johns Hopkins University

  63. Eric Staab, President, Kalamazoo College

  64. Diane Anci, Vice President, Enrollment Management & Dean of Admissions, Kenyon College

  65. Cornelius Darcy, Vice President - Marketing, Communications and Enrollment, Kettering University

  66. Jennifer Sekol, Director of Admissions, Keystone College

  67. Gregory V. MacDonald, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Lafayette College

  68. Chris Ellertson, Vice President for Enrollment, Lake Forest College

  69. Ken Anselment, Vice President for Enrollment & Communication and Dean of Admission, Lawrence University

  70. Edwin Wright, Vice President of Enrollment Management, Lebanon Valley College

  71. Matthew X. Fissinger, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Admission, Loyola Marymount University

  72. Michael Konopski, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Lycoming College

  73. Kent Rinehart, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management/Dean of Admission, Marist College

  74. Michael Lovell, President, Marquette University

  75. John Baworowsky, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, Marquette University

  76. Leah McDermott, Assistant Director of Admissions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  77. Stuart Schmill, Dean of Admissions and Student Financial Services, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  78. Shery Boyles, Director of Admissions, Meredith College

  79. Michael S. Kabbaz, Vice President, Enrollment Management & Student Success, Miami University

  80. Dr. Donald Heller, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Michigan State University

  81. Bill Sliwa, Dean of Enrollment Management, Moravian College

  82. Terri Snyders Crumley, Assistant Vice President and Dean of Admissions, Mount Mercy University

  83. James W. Smith, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management, Mount Vernon Nazarene University

  84. Robert G. Springall, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Muhlenberg College

  85. Jon Westover, Associate Vice Provost & Director of Admissions, NC State University

  86. MJ Knoll-Finn, Vice President for Enrollment Management, New York University

  87. Martin Sauer, Vice-President for Enrollment Management & Athletics, North Central College

  88. Shawn Blenker, Executive Director of Admissions, Northwest Nazarene University

  89. Manuel Carballo, Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Oberlin College

  90. William Eilola, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Ohio Northern University

  91. Candace J. Boeninger, Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Ohio University

  92. Emily Roper-Doten, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, Olin College of Engineering

  93. Kristy Paredes Collins, Dean of Enrollment Management, Pepperdine University

  94. Mitch Warren, Director, Office of Admissions, Purdue University

  95. J. Carey Thompson, Vice President of Enrollment and Communications/Dean of Admission, Rhodes College

  96. Faye Felterman Tydlaska, Ph.D., Vice President for Enrollment Management and Marketing, Rollins College

  97. Lisa Norton, Dean of Admissions, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

  98. Mike Sexton, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Santa Clara University

  99. Kevin McKenna, Dean of Enrollment, Sarah Lawrence College

  100. Mary Lou W. Bates, Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Skidmore College

  101. Dr. Kathleen McCartney, President, Smith College

  102. Audrey Smith, Vice President for Enrollment, Smith College

  103. Elena Hicks, Dean of Admission and Executive Director of Enrollment Services, Southern Methodist University

  104. Enga Almeida, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Southwestern Adventist University

  105. Christine Bowman, Dean of Admission and Enrollment Services, Southwestern University

  106. Kevin D. Brown, Senior Admissions Director, Spring Arbor University

  107. Benjamin S. Baum, Vice President of Enrollment, St. John's College

  108. Yvette Sobky Shaffer, Director of Admissions, St. John's College, Santa Fe

  109. Jeff Rickey, VP and Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid, St. Lawrence University

  110. Pamela Holsinger-Fuchs, Dean of Enrollment, St. Martin's University

  111. Rosalind V. Alderman, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, St. Mary's University

  112. Chris George, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, St. Olaf College

  113. James L. Bock, Vice President and Dean of Admissions, Swarthmore College

  114. M. Dolan Evanovich, Senior Vice President for Enrollment and the Student Experience, Syracuse University

  115. Heath Einstein, Dean of Admission, Texas Christian University

  116. Dr. Carol Kim, Vice President for Research, The New School

  117. Rick Longo, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, The University of the Arts

  118. Lee Ann Backlund, Vice President for Enrollment Planning and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid, The University of the South/Sewanee

  119. Stephen Lazowski, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Thiel College

  120. Scott J. Goplin, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Trine University

  121. Angel B. Perez, Vice President of Enrollment and Student Success, Trinity College

  122. Eric Maloof, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Trinity University, Trinity University

  123. Dale Bittinger, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Admissions, Orientation, and School Partnerships, UMBC - University of Maryland, Baltimore County

  124. Matt Malatesta, Vice President for Admissions, Financial Aid and Enrollment, Union College

  125. James G. Nondorf, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Advancement and Dean of College Admissions and Financial Aid, University of Chicago

  126. Christopher H. Lucier, Vice President for Enrollment Management, University of Delaware

  127. Robert D. Broshous, Dean of Admission, University of Dubuque

  128. Zina Evans, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Associate Provost, University of Florida

  129. Jared Cash, Vice President for Enrollment, University of Maine at Farmington

  130. Shannon Gundy, Admissions Director, University of Maryland

  131. Barbara Gill, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, University of Maryland

  132. Kelly Cox, Senior Associate Director Recruitment and Operations, University of Michigan

  133. Kedra Ishop, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, University of Michigan

  134. Scott Steinberg, Dean of University Admissions, University of New England

  135. Stephen M. Farmer, Vice Provost for Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  136. Don Bishop, Associate Vice President, Undergraduate Enrollment, University of Notre Dame

  137. Dr. Robert J. Thompson, Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management, University of Oregon

  138. Eric J. Furda, Dean of Admissions, University of Pennsylvania

  139. Jonathan Burdick, Dean of College Admission; Vice-Provost for Enrollment Initiatives, University of Rochester

  140. Michael Beseda, Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management, University of San Francisco

  141. Gregory Warren Roberts, Dean of Admission, University of Virginia

  142. Dr. Jeffery T. Gates, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, Utica College

  143. Michael M. Gaynor, Director of University Admission, Villanova University

  144. Martha Blevins Allman, Dean of Admissions, Wake Forest University

  145. Robert A. Adkins, Dean of Admission, Washington & Jefferson College

  146. Josh Jensen, Vice President for Enrollment and Communications, Whitman College

  147. Thomas K. Malloy, Associate Vice President Enrollment Management, Widener University

  148. Richard L. Nesbitt, Director of Admission, Williams College

  149. Mary Ann Naso, Vice President for Enrollment, Wilson College

  150. Brand Stille, Vice President for Enrollment, Wofford College

  151. Kristin R. Tichenor, Senior Vice President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  152. Jeremiah Quinlan, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions, Yale University

Thanks also to endorsers at Albion College, Agnes Scott College, Alfred University, Alma College, Amherst College, Antioch College, Biola University, Brandeis University, Bryn Mawr College, Carroll College, Catawba College, Champlain College, Clarke University, Colby-Sawyer College, Dartmouth College, DePaul University, Hampshire College, Holy Cross College at Notre Dame, Luther Seminary, Manhattan College, Manhattanville College, Maryland Institute College of Art, Monmouth College, New Hampshire Institute of Arts, North Carolina State University, Notre Dame de Namur University, Ohio Wesleyan, Princeton University, Quincy University, Reed College, Rice University, Southern Methodist University, St. Edward's University, Susquehanna University, The College of Mount Saint Vincent, The Ohio State University, University of California Davis, University of Dayton, University of Washington, Wabash College, Wheaton College of Massachusetts, and Willamette University who have supported the Turning the Tide goals.


  1. Jacob Murray, Faculty Director for Professional Education, Boston University School of Education

  2. Roger P. Weissberg, Board Vice Chair and Chief Knowledge Officer of CASEL and Professor at University of Illinois at Chicago

  3. Donald Hossler, Senior Scholar, Center For Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice at USC Rossier School of Education

  4. Howard Gardner, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  5. James Ryan, Former Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  6. Judith McLaughlin, Senior Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  7. Stephanie Jones, Associate Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  8. Mandy Savitz-Romer, Senior Lecturer & Director of Prevention Science and Practice and CAS in Counseling Programs, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  9. Richard Weissbourd, Senior Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  10. Stephanie Jones, Associate Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  11. Denise Pope, Senior Lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Education and Co-Founder of Challenge Success

  12. James Youniss, Professor, The Catholic University of America

  13. Joseph A. Soares, Department Chair and Professor of Sociology, Wake Forest University


  1. Andrew Flagel, PhD, Vice President for Advancement and Member Engagement, Association of American Colleges & Universities

  2. Claire Leheny, Executive Director, AISNE, Association of Independent Schools in New England

  3. Kathy Koo, Executive Director, Challenge Success

  4. Becky Sipos, President and CEO,

  5. David Holmes, Interim Executive Director of the Collaborative and Director of Strategic Initiatives, Character Collaborative

  6. Tim Groves, Director of Development and Partnerships, Coalition App

  7. Scott Anderson, Chief of Staff and Board Liaison, Common App

  8. Lloyd Thacker, President, Education Conservancy

  9. MacKenzie Moritz, Managing Director, Partnerships, Service Year Alliance

  10. Abigail Falik, Founder & CEO, Global Citizen Year

  11. Vicki Zakrzewski, Education Director, Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

  12. Great Lakes Colleges Association

  13. Bill Jackson, Founder, President & CEO, GreatSchools

  14. Independent School Health Association

  15. Celia Trigo Bessore, National Association of Hispanic Nurses

  16. Debra Wilson, National Association of Independent Schools

  17. Jonathan Cohen, President Emeritus, National School Climate Center

  18. MacKenzie Moritz, Chief of Staff and Chief Partnerships Officer, Service Year Alliance

  19. Noah Bopp, Founder and Head of School, The School for Ethics and Global Leadership


  1. Jeff Young, Former Superintendent, Cambridge Public Schools

  2. Matt Micciche, Head of School, Friends School of Baltimore

  3. Horace Mann School

  4. Randall Dunn, Head of School, Latin School of Chicago

  5. Todd Bland, Head of School, Milton Academy

  6. Rod Skinner, Director of College Counseling, Milton Academy

  7. James Parker, Principal, Plaza Vista School

  8. Michael J. Roe, Principal, Poly High School

  9. KC Cohen, Middle and Upper School Counselor, Riverdale Country School

  10. Dominic Randolph, Head of School, Riverdale Country School

  11. Eric Monheim, Director of College Counseling, St. Mark’s School