Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Posts tagged Loneliness
The New York Times | If Loneliness Is An Epidemic, How Do We Treat It?

"Compounded over months and years, loneliness can gradually become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And when the emergency sirens are already blaring, it can be difficult to make the changes necessary for a more fulfilling life."

How do we begin to treat the loneliness epidemic? This thoughtful essay in The New York Times offers some ideas.

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Robert Roy Britt via Medium: Lonely? So Many Are. Here’s What to Do.

Modern society has torn us apart in many ways. Grown kids scatter across the country and around the globe. More people live alone than ever before. Polarized ideology divides family and friends. And perhaps most insidious, social media spotlights supposedly idyllic lives that can make our own existence seem isolated and pathetic. The result: We’re growing more and more lonely. And it’s killing us, figuratively and literally.

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