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Posts tagged Voter Mobilization and Civic Education Series
Be Latina: How to Convince Your Stubborn Friend or Family Member to Vote

Our Get Out the Vote program was highlighted in the Be Latina article: How to Convince Your Stubborn Friend or Family Member to Vote.Journalist Erica Nahmad spoke with Making Caring Common faculty director, Rick Weissbourd who emphasized the challenges o getting college - aged voters to the polls.

Rick reiterates this point, claiming that “only 40% of college students turned out in the 2018 midterm election — a dramatic jump from the 19% student turnout in the 2014 midterm elections, but a disappointing percentage for any healthy democracy.”

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Get Out the Vote: A Voter Mobilization Training for Young People With Cristina Calvillo-Rivera

This training covers barriers to voting and how to overcome them, the importance of the 2020 election and this moment to youth personally and collectively, and how to persuade peers and family to vote. It also engages youth in making a plan for mobilizing their peers and identify best practices in carrying out that plan.

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Get Out the Vote: A Voter Mobilization Training for Young People With Shelley Jackson

This training covers barriers to voting and how to overcome them, the importance of the 2020 election and this moment to youth personally and collectively, and how to persuade peers and family to vote. It also engages youth in making a plan for mobilizing their peers and identify best practices in carrying out that plan.

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HGSE News: Turning Passion into Civic Action

Our Get Out the Vote program was highlighted in the Harvard Graduate School of Education News article: Turning Passion into Civic Action.

"Part of our development is recognizing we’re global citizens and that what we do and say has an impact," said Kayesu Machayo, a program participant. Our initiative provided young activists with the tools to lead voter mobilization projects in their communities.

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Get Out the Vote: It's All About the Message with Mark McKinnon and Jennifer Palmieri

Two of our country's top political communications strategists — Mark McKinnon and Jennifer Palmieri — discussed messaging in Democratic and Republican political campaigns. What is a message? Why is messaging important? How do you mobilize voters through messaging? What are the current messages of the presidential campaigns?

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Get Out the Vote: Civic Empowerment Gap with Meira Levinson and Sean A. Floyd

What is the civic empowerment gap, why does it matter, and how can it be eliminated? In this session, Professor of Education Meira Levinson and CEO Sean A. Floyd discussed insider politics and outsider activism, and why and how youth, people of color, first generation college students, and new Americans can upend traditional power disparities in U.S. politics.

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