Bullying Resource List | Making Caring Common — Making Caring Common

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Resources For Educators

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Bullying Resource List

Educators have an important role to play in preventing bullying and promoting social, emotional, and ethical capacities in students.

These resources offer useful activities, information, websites, programs, and curricula. While we think each of the identified resources contains valuable information, we do not endorse all the recommendations or views in these resources. Some of the resource descriptions listed below have been pulled from organizational websites.


For: Educators
Ages: K-12
Resource Type: Resource List


Websites and Organizations

  • The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) disseminates information on the benefits and importance of social and emotional learning. Their website provides resources related to selecting a social and emotional learning program at schools, and offers suggestions related to the training, funding, and assessment of such programs.

  • The National School Climate Center helps schools integrate social and emotional learning with academic instruction. Their website features tools, and best practices for promoting and measuring positive school climate. The “Bully Prevention” section of the website provides information on topics like building a community of “Upstanders” and promoting student leadership.

  • PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence) is a network of researchers, organizations, and governments committed to stopping bullying. Their site features research-based strategies for parents, students, educators, and community members to prevent bullying and promote relationships. Their site provides downloadable, easily accessible handouts, manuals, and research summaries.

  • The Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility fosters social and emotional learning in schools by supporting an array of school-based programs. Their website features descriptions of social and emotional programs that promote conflict resolution and intercultural understanding.

  • Not in Our School is a national campaign to engage young people in preventing bullying and promoting respect in their schools. The website includes videos, activity suggestions, a guide for getting a Not In Our School campaign going in your school, and a forum for young people to share stories and ideas.

  • The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations of Early Learning disseminates research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs. Their site features resources for policy-makers, families, educational coaches, and teachers/caregivers about promoting social and emotional development in young children (ages 0-5).

  • The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments provides tools and manuals, research briefs, and additional readings about topics within the broad areas of school engagement, environment, and safety. The “School Climate Measurement” portion of the website features a school climate measurement tool compendium.

  • StopBullying.gov, managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, features information for students, parents, educators, and community members on how to intervene in bullying situations. The “References and Resources” section of the webpage includes summaries of bullying research, policy information and briefings, and links to additional websites and tools.

  • Cyberbullying Research Center provides up-to-date, research-based information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. The site features cyberbullying research summaries and publications, resources about responding to cyberbullying situations, and a place to read and share personal stories of cyberbullying.

  • Education.com offers (bilingual) resources for parents that cover a wide range of topics about bullying. The site provides research-based articles for parents of children who are bullies, victims, or bystanders, and provides information about cyberbullying, young children and bullying, bullying in schools, and prejudice.

  • Common Sense Media provides teachers and school administrators with a “toolkit” that contains resources to aid in the creation of a positive school culture and work to end cyberbullying. The site offers elementary, middle, and high school teachers access to grade-appropriate classroom lessons and tools and strategies for working with parents.

  • OnlineSchools.org’s guide to bullying and cyberbullying includes information about the effects of bullying and cyberbullying in K-12 schools and college campuses. The site provides information on supporting students who are victims of bullying, reporting cyberbullying, and it offers resources such as anti-bullying apps for students and educators and summaries of anti-bullying policies and laws.

  • Masters in Social Work Online created A social worker’s guide to cyberbullying to help social workers better understand cyberbullying and its impact on children and young people. The guide also offers tools social workers can use to prevent and treat cyberbullying.

Initiatives or Resources for LGBT Youth and Youth with Disabilities

  • Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center features information and resources for children, teens, parents and educators around bullying topics with a particular focus on students with disabilities. Their additional websites teensagainstbullying.org and kidsagainstbullying.org are designed for kids by kids and feature videos and art, games and activities, and developmentally appropriate information for kids about bullying.

  • The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network provides tips, strategies, and tools for educators, students, and supporters to promote school communities where all members are valued, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Their site features resources for building student allies, and information about participating in nation-wide school initiatives and projects that promote respect and diversity.

Programs and Curricula

The following is a partial list of programs that provide research-based, rigorously evaluated interventions that prevent or reduce bullying and/or develop social, emotional, or ethical capacities in children and youth.

Last reviewed January 2025.

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