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Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

Resources For Educators

Welcome to Making Caring Common’s Resources for Educators, Teachers, Counselors, School Administrators, and School Leaders!

We offer strategies, resources lists, audits, surveys, discussion guides, and more, which we hope you will use in your school. You can review the list of resources below or click to sort by topic.

School Profile Project

School profiles are a critical but often overlooked component of students’ college applications. Typically managed by school counselors, profiles provide admission officers with contextual information about an applicant’s high school environment, including school demographics, academic and extracurricular opportunities, and student outcomes.

Recent research by Dr. Tara Nicola has identified that, while many schools have a school profile, very few profiles include all of the features considered most necessary for admission officers to holistically review an applicant.*

To better support school counselors in producing, updating, and maintaining their school profiles, Making Caring Common has launched the School Profile Project. The School Profile Project seeks to provide counselors, school leaders, and advocates with applicable research, profile examples and templates, and insights from current counselors on best practices and expected challenges in designing the profile. We hope you’ll review the following resources and share widely with colleagues who may benefit from them.

*Dr. Nicola’s original research may be found here: Nicola, T. P. (2022). Assessing applicants in context? School profiles and their implications for equity in the selective college admission process. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 15(6), 700–715.

Understanding the significance of the school profile

Insights from and dialogue with current counselors
Based on interviews conducted by MCC with school counselors in spring 2024

Templates and example profiles

If you have recommendations for improving these resources, we welcome your comments or suggestions on our anonymous feedback form here. You may also email


Trisha Ross Anderson

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