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Case Study Session: Building Relationships Across Political Difference

close up portrait of teenager

December 10, 2020

Building Relationships Across Political Difference

this session has already occurred, but you can watch the on-demand video below!

How can we enable students to engage respectfully and constructively with students who don't share their political views? How can we help students bridge political divides during a time when the country is so fractured?

In this case study session, now available on demand below, Dr. Richard Weissbourd, Faculty Director at Making Caring Common and a Senior Lecturer at Harvard's Graduate School of Education and Kennedy School of Government, and Glenn Manning, Senior Project Manager at MCC, explore ways to do the following:

  • promote care and respect in conversations about contentious political issues, including issues around race, class, and gender;

  • enable students to share their perspectives, listen deeply to one another, and challenge stereotypes while abiding by fundamental principles of fairness and justice;

  • enable students to argue more effectively and respectfully.

Young people with these capacities will be better able to build caring relationships, understand and seek out justice, and mend the fractures in our society.


For Schools:
1. Conversations Across Difference from Usable Knowledge
2. Can Deep Listening Heal Our Divisions? from Greater Good Magazine

For Families:
1. How to Talk to Your Kids About the Capitol Riots from the Harvard Gazette

Watch the webinar

This webinar is part of Building Connection: A Free COVID-19 Program for Schools. Click here to learn more. Please see the program calendar for more information and webinar links.

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