Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Read the latest from Making Caring Common!

You’re in the right place for our media coverage, blog posts, and event information. Our work spans a range of topics, all connected by our commitment to elevate caring and concern for the common good at school, at home, and in our communities. You can review what’s new below or use the dropdowns to sort by topic and category.

Be sure to join our email list and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, to stay current with Making Caring Common’s news and updates. If you’re a member of the media, please visit our Media Room.

Update: May 2019

collage of photos including a young child who has fell

Read the May update from Making Caring Common and don't forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter to get updates straight to your inbox.

In the News

NPR's new series "Life Kit" includes lots of practical parenting advice, including how to teach kindness. Listen for a shout-out to Making Caring Common and Rick Weissbourd! Here's the full run-down of MCC coverage this month:

For more information and resources, check out our website, and be sure to follow Making Caring Common on Facebook and Twitter to join the conversation online.

For Educators: How to Build Empathy and Strengthen Your School Community

Empathy is a key part of being a responsible and helpful community member at school and elsewhere. Although it doesn’t necessarily take a lot of work to build empathy, it does take attention and commitment — but it’s worth it for students, educators, and the school community. Here are five essential steps for schools:

  1. Model empathy

  2. Teach what empathy is and why it matters

  3. Practice empathy

  4. Set clear ethical expectations

  5. Make school culture and climate a priority

Read more tips for building empathy.

Tip for Families: Make Caring for Others a Priority and Set High Ethical Expectations

Even though most parents say that raising caring children is a top priority, often children aren't getting that message. Children need to hear from their parents that caring about others is essential, and that it is just as important as their own happiness. Try this:

  1. Keep to a clear message

  2. Prioritize caring when you talk with other important adults in your children’s lives

  3. Help your children understand that the world doesn't revolve around them

Read more tips for cultivating empathy at home.

From our Friends: Teen Summit, College Toolkit, Professional Development

Makers of Good Teen Summit
We’re excited to collaborate with Hershey on the Makers of Good Teen Summit, which is bringing teens together to advance social inclusion efforts in communities across the U.S. Learn more →

Off to Schoolkit
NBC News Learn has created a new resource to support families and students who are applying and transitioning to college. Create your own “Off to Schoolkit” on their website. Try it out →

Summer Leadership Seminar
Challenge Success is hosting one-day Summer Leadership Seminars in three cities across the U.S. for middle school, high school, and district level leaders. Learn more →

More Updates

Ali Cashin