Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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You’re in the right place for our media coverage, blog posts, and event information. Our work spans a range of topics, all connected by our commitment to elevate caring and concern for the common good at school, at home, and in our communities. You can review what’s new below or use the dropdowns to sort by topic and category.

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Join Our School Climate Committee Strategy Session

school climate committee graphic

Join us Thursday, July 23 from 3-4:00 pm ET for our free interactive training: "School Climate Committee: Using Student Voice to Create an Equitable School Climate"

Register now!

Creating an equitable, inclusive school culture can be key in preventing a wide array of social and emotional problems and promoting the development of caring, responsible, and respectful children.

Because students primarily take signals from other students about social norms and what is ethically acceptable, and because students have inside knowledge about social dynamics, it is mainly students – especially acting together – who can change norms. One way to empower students to create positive social norms is by creating school climate committees comprised of students who work with peers and staff to develop these norms. The School Climate Committee Strategy is designed to help students – and adults – work collaboratively to shape their school environment.

After this learning session, you’ll be able to do the following:

  • Create a strong, effective committee of youth leaders that represents a diversity of voices among the student body and works with school staff to prevent bullying and other school social problems

  • Use data to inform decision making and improve school climate, including creating more caring, inclusive social norms

  • Provide students with a sense of agency and empowerment

We look forward to sharing evidence-based best practices, but this will be an interactive experience, so we look forward to hearing what's working in your school community too!

Register today!

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Ali Cashin