Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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You’re in the right place for our media coverage, blog posts, and event information. Our work spans a range of topics, all connected by our commitment to elevate caring and concern for the common good at school, at home, and in our communities. You can review what’s new below or use the dropdowns to sort by topic and category.

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Update: Our Impact in 2018

young girl smiles at the camera whie playing with blocks in school

Our Vision

Our vision is a world in which children learn to care about others and the common good, treat people well day to day, come to understand and seek fairness and justice, and do what is right even at times at a cost to themselves.

We believe that young people with these capacities will become community members and citizens who can strengthen our democracy, mend the fractures that divide us, and create a more caring, just world.

Our Impact

In 2018 we reached millions online; worked with 400 schools and provided strategies to more than 3,000 educators to reach 100,000+ students; contributed our research-informed perspective to the national conversation about misogyny and sexual harassment; tapped the knowledge of leading experts to plan a bold new parenting initiative; and made strong progress toward our goal of a college admissions process that celebrates students’ ethical strengths, promotes equity and access, and reduces excessive achievement pressure.

In the News

Here are 10 of our top pieces in 2018:

Read more news coverage on our website.

By the Numbers

We earned 100+ media hits in 2018, including frequent coverage in The New York TimesThe Washington PostThe Atlantic, and NPR affiliates. Our media coverage was viewed 2.59 million times online and shared 152K times on social. We reached 1+ million through our Facebook page and earned 730,000+ impressions on Twitter.

We lent our voice and research-informed perspective to the national conversation about misogyny and sexual harassment with frequent national commentary and reporting on television, on the radio, in print, and online related to our report The Talk: How Adults Can Promote Young People’s Healthy Relationships and Prevent Misogyny and Sexual Harassment. Many schools and parents used our resources for engaging teens in conversations about preventing harassment and misogyny.

More than 30 national parenting experts and practitioners convened at HGSE to help us think through key questions related to empathy, gratitude, and diligence as we plan to launch our new Caring Families project.

Through our Caring Schools programs, we worked with more than 400 schools to make caring for others a priority in schools.

Through our Empathy in Schools research initiative and our collaboration with the Middle School Kindness Challengenearly 3,000 educators used and gave us feedback on strategies reaching an estimated 70,000 students.

Thousands of students and hundreds of teachers participated in our Character in College Admissions Initiative to develop a new tool for high schools and colleges to assess students’ ethical engagement. 4-6 colleges plan to work with us in 2019 to pilot new admission tools and/or processes.

Our list of academic endorsers for our Turning the Tide college admissions campaign grew to more than 200. The Common Application agreed to work with us on several changes aligned with the campaign’s goals.

With Gratitude

A heartfelt thank you for supporting our work this year and for doing your part to make caring and concern for others commonplace.

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Ali Cashin