Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

Research + Programs

Making Caring Common leads a number of research projects and programs. From working directly with schools and educators to spearheading national campaigns, we strive to make caring a priority in homes, schools, and communities.

From working directly with schools and educators to spearheading national campaigns, we strive to make caring a priority in every home, school, and community.

Posts tagged Moral and Ethical Development
Caring Families Research Project

Parents are inundated with advice about promoting positive behaviors in children. Yet remarkably little is known about basic, crucial questions related to the implementation and impact of parenting strategies. Through our Caring Families project, Making Caring Common has been developing and pilot-testing a variety of engaging strategies and activities to help parents further cultivate empathy, gratitude, and diligence in their children.

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Turning the Tide College Admissions Campaign

Join college admissions officers in reshaping the college admissions process to value ethical and intellectual engagement.

College admissions plays a powerful role in shaping student attitudes and behaviors. More than 175 college admissions offices, including all the Ivy League colleges, are making changes aligned with our Turning the Tide goals of:

Developing greater concern for others and the common good among high school students;

Increasing equity and access for economically disadvantaged students; and

Reducing excessive achievement pressure.

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Youth Advisory Board

Making Caring Common’s Youth Advisory Board is a diverse group of high school students from across the country who are committed to making schools more caring and respectful places. Members guide MCC’s understanding of some of the most pressing moral issues and social challenges of their peer groups, including bullying and exclusion. The YAB provides feedback on our ideas, shares their thoughts on current events, and makes sure we’re on the right track when communicating information to young people.

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