Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

Resources For Educators

Welcome to Making Caring Common’s Resources for Educators, Teachers, Counselors, School Administrators, and School Leaders!

We offer strategies, resources lists, audits, surveys, discussion guides, and more, which we hope you will use in your school. You can review the list of resources below or click to sort by the following topics: Bias, Bullying, Caring and Empathy, Gender, Leadership, Moral and Ethical Development, Romantic Relationships, School Culture and Climate, Sexual Harassment and Misogyny, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Talking Across the Aisle.

Take a Stand Strategy

Getting students to physically stand along a continuum that represents their beliefs or values can be a vulnerable yet empowering experience, and often helps students find commonalities rather than differences.

With this light-lift strategy, students arrange themselves in different configurations based on their level of agreement or disagreement with an ambiguous or open-ended issue or statement. Student discussions and teacher-led questioning promote thoughtful inquiry and engage the class through disagreement in a structured and safe environment.

Currently, our Take a Stand strategy is available to schools in our Caring Schools Network. Email Glenn Manning at glenn_manning@gse.harvard.edu or book a call to learn more about Caring Schools Network.

Last reviewed October 2018.


For: Educators, counselors, peer leaders, and anyone who works with youth
Ages: Middle School and High School
Resource Type: Strategy
Time Commitment: 1x/week; 5 times in total

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