Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

Resources For Educators

Welcome to Making Caring Common’s Resources for Educators, Teachers, Counselors, School Administrators, and School Leaders!

We offer strategies, resources lists, audits, surveys, discussion guides, and more, which we hope you will use in your school. You can review the list of resources below or click to sort by the following topics: Bias, Bullying, Caring and Empathy, Gender, Leadership, Moral and Ethical Development, Romantic Relationships, School Culture and Climate, Sexual Harassment and Misogyny, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Talking Across the Aisle.

Everyday Caring Strategy

Research shows that being kind and caring makes people feel good — by recognizing the appreciation of others as well as beginning to view oneself as altruistic or compassionate.

Studies have also shown that feeling care and concern for others is linked to altruism, and an effective strategy to spark caring is to encourage people to imagine what others are going through and how they feel. Kindness and caring are also contagious. Literally. They can spread and influence people to do good deeds beyond their existing networks.

With this light-lift strategy, students reflect and discuss how to encourage more kindness and caring, for themselves and others, at their school and beyond. They will practice regular intentional acts so they become routine and normalized parts of students’ lives. By reporting back, students will learn about each other’s experiences and likely use them as sources of inspiration. The activity encourages a variety of kind and caring acts, including self-improvement.

Currently, our Everyday Caring strategy is available to schools in our Caring Schools Network. Email Glenn Manning at glenn_manning@gse.harvard.edu or book a call to learn more about Caring Schools Network.

Note: We are currently piloting a related strategy — Inspiring Kindness — in grades K-5. Fill out this interest form to access the pilot strategy.

Last reviewed October 2018.


For: Educators, counselors, peer leaders, and anyone who works with youth
Ages: K-12
Resource Type: Strategy
Time Commitment: 1x/week; 5 times in total

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